Saturday, February 26, 2011

Setelah bermusim. Macam Malaysia dah salji baru aku nak update blog ni? Bye

Assalamualaikum semua! Yeah I've been busy with my life lately. Not eventually busy with work or study but with stuff that i enjoying the most. Which is no other than RESTING and and and toooooo much sleeping i guess (˘_˘") Sometimes feel like my brain didn't worked out and don't have any exercises or focusing on serious subject/topic. Where i actually attached to do and got stressed out back fews month ago. Oh got question come across your mind? Oh kenapa pelik ke? Erk. Emm Ok to friends that don't have any idea what am i attempt to mislead, you all better ignore jela. (˘_˘") Because sometimes there's alot of things that i won't tell anybody easily and people who get overcurious, you should come and ask me face to face yeah? I admit that my current situation are a bit hard to explain. Bukan apa susah nak cerita sebab panjang sgt saya akan cerita semata² nak bagi korang faham dengan jelas. Well siapa tak kenal fara kalau dia bercerita? Tapi yang mana bertanya tu saya cerita jela dgn ringkas dan mudah. Bukan apa sangat pun sebenarnye. Lalala ~ ♬ ┐(˘ﻬ˘)┌ Anyway, for those who already know thanks for understood my situation. Really appreciated it. Thanks friends and family you guys awesome! Anda tahu siapa anda. :)

Ok shouldn't talk crap too much. Crap ke? Better write something that can remind everyone and give ourself pleasure for abundance rewards/pahala. Hehe. Alright then, for you guys out there who are in the middle of a busy day. Hope you all not forget to perform your solat. We all know we have been busy all day long doing job to earn money or else studying to get a job. Somehow most of us are too busy until we forgotten to do our big responsibility. Sebab yg mana kerja mencari rezeki tu mmg dia betul² kerja jer tanpa solat, and yg study tu pulak tahu belajar jer tapi solat abaikan, then mcm mana kita nk dapat restu dari usaha kita? Kalau kewajipan kita tinggal. Astagfirullahal'azim. Jadi from now on take time for solat. Korbankan masa kita because it is a obligation to us. Sebab apa? Nak hidup bahagia dalam dunia dan akhirat sekali pun sembahyang kena jaga. Betul tak? Betul tak betul? Haaa. Kalau takut tu syukur lah. Korang mmg ada lagi iman didada. Kalau tak tu Wallahualam.. Pity you. Hurm. We must never forgetting who we are and where we come from. Bila² masa jer Allah boleh tarik nyawa kita kan? Sobs. Indeed the one and only that give us the savior of his/her great graces, bounty, and life of fortune is Allah. We need to show uor gratefulness to Allah S.W.T wisely. Jangan kufur nikmat ya kawan²? Aminnn.

In order to create a beautiful life we must content it with as much as mercy. In the future i wish Allah will bless me all the time and hopefully that one day my worries onwards my future life will be end. Apa lah akan jadi pada aku 10 tahun akan datang? Bahagiakah aku kelak? Sobs. Anyhow everything that happened and will be happen is for a reason. Apa yang terjadi semestinya ada Hikmah disebaliknya. Have faith in you and your lord. DO pray for yourself, your family, your people, your religion, your world, your afterlife, and your Allah. InsyaALLAH everything will be ok. Tidak salah berpesan bukan? Kerana sesungguhnya manusia itu mudah lupa. Jadi remind others to remind ourself. Kun fayakun..♡

With love - FD ♥

p/s : ok nanti saya tulis lagi malam ni eyh? Erk baiklah. Bai

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